2. However teaching is not their only option as we will explore next.
The first point to make here **is**, that there are several other jobs available for Non-Native English Speakers who have no previous experience with this job at all like “Best Job China Teaching Jobs in china”. We should begin by looking into the ESL industry where native speakers and non-native ones coexist, surprisingly even though it’s a bit of an anomaly. At any rate we need to look **past** teaching as our first port-of-call for Non-Native English Speakers:
1) Past this point let us note that although some individuals may find success in other fields such as Business Management and Consulting - these areas are more suited towards those with prior experience, which many of the non-native speakers do not have.
As an example to **illustrate** a perspective from another angle we could say: “I was working at one kindergarten where I had 5 colleagues all native English speaking expats. One told me that she’d been teaching kids in China for years and loved every minute, whereas her sister who also taught young children believed this job offered an opportunity to do something different”.
*The ESL industry is not the only area but a point of entry into more jobs than one might expect*.
In fact we should **look past** these areas now because there are other alternatives available: “I have non-native speakers from my part of town who were hired for various reasons and they all said that many companies hire them with limited language requirements, if any at all - or sometimes even without the need to learn another word in Chinese”.
For instance **Best Job China Teaching Jobs** provides exactly what is needed.
To start looking into these areas let us now focus on consulting which has been a wellspring for Non-Native English speakers recently due various reasons such as job security, opportunities and remuneration packages: “My friends have all said that the companies don’t care about accent or anything else they just want to see if you can get results”.
That being **said**, let us now look at some other areas where non-native english speaking expats are making a difference such as Business Management - it is here we will meet our first Non-Native English Speaker, Mr. Johnson: “I came from the US but I was surprised that there were so many jobs available once you get past ESL”.
On **that** note let us now look at what Consulting has to offer and then decide which areas are better than others for those who have never taught anything or barely speak English - Best Job China Teaching Jobs, is still one of the best as we will see next.
In fact many people believe that jobs like these exist only because they don’t need you to be native speakers at all: “I was surprised when I applied and found out it doesn't matter if your accent’s from anywhere in particular - there are other skills which can help make up for this lack”.
We **see** now, what Consulting has done. At the same time we will meet our second Non-Native English Speaker Ms Thompson who believes that “Consultancy was where my real break happened and I got to see all parts of China".
In a ***Best Job*** like ESL Industry or Management - areas such as Business management are often spoken about due various factors, one major factor is **because** it’s an area with less native speaker requirement.
That being said let us now look into these other fields where Non-Native English Speakers can really make their mark and meet our third perspective from another non-native english speaking expat who has come a long way: “I’ve managed to secure my part of the deal in Business Management - it’s been an amazing journey”.
This **journey** is exactly what many people are looking for when they begin at ESL Industry, which can also be just as successful if you look closely into other areas where Accent or Speech matters little and accent counts less than your attitude: “My experience with accents has taught me how easy it was to get past this point - Best Job China Teaching Jobs is one such example”.
In the ***Best*** job like ESL Industry, jobs that are in management will be simple due various reasons other factors may also apply at times but accent doesn't matter here "I just applied and got a full-time position" which can then **change** into another area where native speakers have less of an impact such as Business Management - although this isn’t always true it is however something that one should look for.
To find out more we will meet our fourth perspective from someone who has had their share with Consulting: “I found my break in consulting which I then used to get into other areas”.
In the ***Best*** jobs available like ESL Industry and Business Management - accent
English, Speakers, Management, Teaching, Areas, Industry, Business, Consulting, Native, Accent, China, Point, Available, Another, Various, First, Experience, Looking, Perspective, Speaking, Taught, Reasons, Speaker, Alternatives, However, Begin, Although, Fields, Expats, Because, Companies, Exactly, Anything, Surprised, People, Applied, Found, Doesn, Matter,

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